High Elevation Cultivars

Jeffrey's Notes
Cultivars with a thicker membrane of trichome head and more of a greasy texture do great in these conditions. The thicker cells of these high desert cultivars allow for harsher environments such as dryer, hotter days and cooler nights with more sun exposure.
Strains Observed
These are of Afghani/Pakistani heritage/traits and are typically heat and drought tolerant: Mac1 Babba Mendels Breath Sin Mint Cookies Apple Pie ala Mode
Low Altitude Equatorial

Jeffrey's Notes
I implemented very little temperature and humidity fluctuations compared to the high altitude desert varieties, with humidity on the slightly higher side. These plants have a thinner membrane on trichome heads and a sandy tacky feel on longer stalks. They have a thinner leaf and cell structure on a lankier frame than the high elevation cultivars.
Strains Observed
Note: Most cultivars are hybrids so these settings may need to be adjusted slightly: AK-47 Breakfast in Paris Twinkle Tarts Grape Diamonds x Lilac Diesel Robert’s Creek Congolese
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